0452 2535613
0452 2535613

Training and Placement Cell

A mere degree with some domain knowledge is quite insufficient for the career prospects and employability of the students. They should be quite strong in all kinds of skills which would ensure them employability and global competency. At ACW, Training and Placement Cell helps students determine their educational and career goals, acquire career-oriented skills and attain desired employment. The Cell has a full time Placement Officer.

The Cell trains the students in group discussions, aptitude tests, numerical ability and a technical facet, conducts mock interviews and organizes recruitment drives both on-campus and off-campus. This unique program which focuses on training the student's right from the first year of graduation, ensure that the less than employable fresher who enters the college turns into a confident, employable candidate when she leaves the Institution.

Placements are planned and organized in the campus in compliance with industry requirements. The database of eligible candidates is shared on request with companies who in turn invite students for drives on their premises. Students are thus given the opportunity to participate in both on-campus and off-campus drives throughout the year.

In this academic year 2021 - 22 despite the post-pandemic situation our students received placements through top notch companies operating in Madurai and nearby cities conducted on-campus and off-campus placement drives. The placement scenario in the college is remarkable in that recruitment caters to all departments in the institution, ensuring that students belonging to the Physical Sciences and Life Sciences, Commerce, Computer Science, and Management streams benefit from the drives. The placement scenario this year has been very positive and placement drives will continue up to the end of the academic year.

A dedicated training team consisting of specialists in aptitude and soft skills make the students industry ready on the development of the following skills:

• Communication skills
• Verbal Reasoning skills
• Quantitative aptitude
• Behavioural skills
• Presentation skills

• Leadership skills
• Interpersonal skills
• Interview skills
• Entrepreneurial skills etc.

Placement - Auro Lab